Protect Your Rights In Construction Defect Cases

Construction defects can be expensive, and legal disputes involving defect claims can be complex. Pinpointing who was responsible for the defect and determining who will pay to repair the defect can result in lengthy, stressful litigation.

At Triangle Law Group in Raleigh, we have extensive experience representing contractors, subcontractors, engineers, architects, suppliers and property owners in Wake County and throughout North Carolina in construction defect cases. Whether you are a homeowner with a large remodeling project, a commercial developer or a contractor or subcontractor, we have the skills to protect your financial interests during defect disputes.

We Handle A Wide Range Of Construction Defects

At Triangle Law Group, we have vast experience representing both contractors and property owners in residential and commercial construction defect disputes. Our experience includes disputes involving:

  • Roof leaks
  • Faulty foundations
  • Plumbing issues
  • Electrical issues
  • Improperly sized heating and air conditioning units
  • Moisture and toxic mold issues

We also advise developers and homeowners on the environmental risks associated with their construction projects and handle environmental litigation.

Our experience representing property owners and contractors gives us unique insight. We know how the other side thinks and the steps the other side will take during construction defect litigation. This knowledge allows us to build smarter trial strategies that get better results for our clients.

Helping Homeowners Deal With Construction Defects

As a homeowner, you should be able to trust your contractor to complete your new construction or remodeling project appropriately without defects. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Contractors and subcontractors who do shoddy work or use inferior products are breaching the construction contract. Homeowners should not be left to clean up the mess.

Fixing construction defects can be costly, time-consuming and stressful. At Triangle Law Group, our attorneys will help you enforce your rights and fix poor workmanship. Whether that means having the original worker come back and fix his/her mistakes or hiring a new contractor, we will help you make it right.

Construction Defects Lead To Nonpayment Issues

Often, issues of nonpayment arise from construction defect claims or disputes over the quality of the product or services provided. We are experienced negotiators and lawyers who can resolve the underlying dispute as well as the collections issues that are involved.

We always “think outside the box” and work to find creative, cost-effective solutions to construction issues. Before we litigate, we strive to resolve disputes informally or through alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration. We always try to formulate resolutions that are in our clients’ best interests.

Protect Your Financial Interests

If you are involved in a construction defect dispute, you need experienced attorneys who will work to protect your interests. At Triangle Law Group, we can help. Call our firm today at 919-301-0716 or 877-427-1252, or contact us online to schedule a consultation.